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Help shape the future of healthcare and be a part of Perspectum’s participant Research Network
What is the participant Research Network?
Our participant Research Network is a community of previous study participants and people who would like to take part in our studies. Our ambition is to create the best imaging products for the screening, diagnosis, and monitoring of chronic diseases, and this is only made possible by continued research and development – and this is only possible with people like you taking part in our research.
By joining our Research Network, we can keep you up to date on our current research program as well as up-and-coming studies. You will also receive our latest publications, invitations to public webinars, and community events.

Hear from people who have taken part in our studies
Joining our community of people can be incredibly empowering for those living with chronic conditions.
Listen to Dan's experience on the video and how empowering it was for him when he first accessed his LiverMultiscan report with his consulting doctor.
Join our participant Research Network
Your experiences and understanding of your health are invaluable and will help us to understand how we could improve the products we create for your healthcare provider to screen, diagnose and manage chronic diseases.

MODIFY Study Results Recording of the Public Webinar 9th Nov 2022
What’s happening to the organs of someone living with type 2 diabetes? Multi Organ Assessment in Patients with Type 2 Diabetes, known as MODIFY.
Getting a better understanding of diabetes and finding ways to accurately diagnose similar diseases. The study used imaging to assess the health of multiple organs in the body including the liver, kidneys, pancreas, and spleen in people with type 2 diabetes.
We are pleased to share our initial findings at a public webinar which you can watch on-demand.