Perspectum Diagnostics chosen as winners of Red Herring’s Top 100 Europe Awards 2019

February 28, 2019
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Oxford, UK. Feb 28: Perspectum has been selected as a Red Herring Top 100 Europe winner, at an annual award ceremony held in Amsterdam.  

Red Herring Top 100 Europe enlists outstanding entrepreneurs and promising companies. It selects the award winners from approximately 1,200 privately financed companies each year in the European Region. The award recognizes Europe’s leading private companies and celebrates innovation and technology.  

Dr Hildick, Head of Business Development at Perspectum presented at the awards, showcasing the company's commitment to developing world-leading technologies for the better care of patients. Perspectum competed alongside other leading technology companies from across Europe, with many companies also exploring AI and machine learning applications. Perspectum’s talk was followed up by many questions and very positive feedback from the crowd.  

“In 2019, selecting the top achievers was by no means a small feat,” said Alex Vieux, publisher and CEO of Red Herring. “In fact, we had the toughest time in years because so many entrepreneurs had crossed significant milestones so early in the European tech ecosystem. But after much thought, rigorous contemplation and discussion, we narrowed our list down from hundreds of candidates from across Europe to the Top 100 Winners. We believe Perspectum embodies the vision, drive and innovation that define a successful entrepreneurial venture. Perspectum should be proud of its accomplishment, as the competition was very strong.”

Perspectum will now be invited to the Red Herring Global 2019 forum, presenting alongside other game-changing companies.

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